What is Reflexology?

Reflexology is a deeply relaxing treatment to the feet  that provides a major contribution in maintaining good health. Reflexology is based on the concept that reflex areas on your feet and hands represent every part of your body. Bodily systems can be thrown out of balance by varying factors such as illness, stress or diet and the resulting imbalances can prevent the body from working at optimum performance.

A properly trained reflexologist can detect these imbalances and using a specialised technique will work all reflexes on the foot to induce relaxation and stimulate your body's own healing processes to achieve balance and harmony.

**Reflexologists do not claim to cure, diagnose or prescribe**

How does it work? Reflexology is based on the idea that energy flows around the body. When this energy is free flowing we are healthy, balanced, and living in harmony with our environment on a mental, spiritual and physical level, if this energy flow becomes blocked illness can result.

Our bodies have the amazing ability to heal themselves given the right environment, a reflexology treatment aims to clear energy blockages, promote deep relaxation, and improve blood and lymph circulation so allowing the body to heal itself.

Benefits Reflexology has shown to be beneficial for:

  • * Back pain
  • * Migraine
  • * Arthritis
  • * Stress related conditions
  • * Sleep disorders
  • * Hormonal imbalances
  • * And as a preventative healthcare therapy

Many people use reflexology to counteract stress through relaxation of the mind and body. It may help towards good physical, mental and emotional health and encourage you to maintain health in all areas of your life.

Reflexology can benefit almost everyone, and an increasing number of people are using this safe, natural therapy as a way of relaxing, balancing and harmonising the body.

Reflexology can help to:

  • * Induce relaxation
  • * Relieve stress and tension
  • * Cleanse and detoxify the body
  • * Promote energy flow
  • * Relieve pain
  • * Improve blood and lymph flow
  • * Balance the body, mind and spirit

Reflexology is suitable for all ages and may bring relief from a wide range of acute and chronic conditions. After having completed a course of treatment for a specific condition, many people find it beneficial to continue with regular treatments in order to maintain health and well-being.